Aldian Legends

Character Creator & Spell Casting

Hey there Legends! Over the past few months our developers have been working hard on creating unique and easy to use game systems to improve the quality and replayability of our server. If you have been on our socials you may have already seen previews of these systems. Today I’m happy to completely showcase early […]

Portable Player Housing

Greetings legends! I have exciting news for you, if you’ve been in our official chats such as Discord and Telegram you may already know what’s ahead! Join them to get the latest news and chat with me if you have any questions! If you didn’t know Aldian Legends is an Adventure mode server meaning you’re […]

Recent Developments

  Greetings legends, lots of progress has been done over the past few months, checkout our social media that’s where we post the latest development updates. I have a lot of exciting updates to go over so lets get started! Professions Professions are very important in any RPG style game they let players feel a […]

A Lively World

Greetings legends, one of the goals with Aldian Legends is to make the world feel alive and interactive. As you adventure each location will have their own dedicated NPCs, each are doing tasks related to the location they’re in or their profession, it is planned that you will be able to interact with some of these NPCs, […]

Website Release

Hey legends, welcome to the initial release of the website, the site is visually completed, most of the site sections is still missing as they will require the server to be released to early alpha state. Here’s what some of the sections will be about. Store – In-game ranks, cosmetics and Enjin backed collectibles will […]